
Keyword Search Tool Free Google Keywords Tool Research Strategies That WorkKeyword Search Tool Free Google Keywords Tool Research Strategies That WorkKeyword Search Tool Free Google Keywords Tool R

Keyword Search Tool: Free Google Keywords Tool Research Strategies That WorkKeyword research is the foundation of all content marketing. If you can bring together the title, description, and content of your articles, videos, blog posts, etc… with specific keyword phrases that people are typing in to the different search engines while searching on that topic your content will be found more easily and thus get more views.Great keyword research beginswith a Great keyword search tool. There are numerous free and paid keyword tools on the market but for this example we will illustrate how to use the free Google keyword search tool.Criteria Nail Sticker 1. Try to find keywords with less than 10K in organic search competition you can go up to 100K if you are more advanced) 2. Search for for keywords with a minimum of 50 precise match searches per day.Google Keyword Search Tool Guide Step 1Go to https://adwords.google.com/select/KeywordToolExternal, enter a base keyword (phrase based on the topic of your content) led light bulbs in the space provided, enter the required captcha code, and then click the “Get Keyword Ideas” ButtonGoogle Keyword Search Tool Guide Step 2Look through the results and look for keywords that shows 1500 or greater in the “local search results” column. (1500+ per month = 50+ per day as per our criteria above) Make a note of ones that you like.Google Keyword Search Tool Guide Step 3Open google.com in a new browser window and type in one of the keywords that have chosen in the search box with quotation marks around it”" and enter. In the upper right hand corner of the search results google will display something that looks like the following below (”web traffic” was used as the search model) Results 1 – 10 of about 807,000 for “website traffic”. (0.26 seconds)In this example google says that there are 807,000 websites competing in organic search results for the term “WEB Traffic” . You want to obtain keyword terms with 10,000 or less in competition (100,000 or less if you are more advanced).Google Keyword Search Tool Guide Step 4Rinse and repeat…. Replicate the process above until you uncover keywords that meet the criteria specified above. Use these Keyword phrases in your Titles, descriptions and content of your videos, blogs, and articles. Using these keyword search tool tactic with the free google keywords tool will bring additional traffic to all of your content.An Easier Way: Special Keywords ToolI do realize that this process can be a bit tiresome and painful. However if you you do not mind puting in a few bucks into your business there is another great keyword search tool that will allow you to do this much faster and easier. **** Continued Below****

