
Four Questions to Ask Before Starting Search Engine Optimization for Your Website

Whether you pay for a keyword analysis or take the time and money to do it yourself, the process of search engine optimizing your website starts with getting the answers to four questions:1) What are the keywords or key phrases that people are using to search for my company’s products and services? – Answering this question is a little trickier than how it may appear on the surface. Many owners assume that building a list of relevant keywords is a quick do-it-yourself project that shouldn’t take long due to the seemingly obvious nature of the answers, but without keyword analysis your search engine optimization will be done blind. Without any intelligence on how people are searching for your products, developing productive and cost effective optimization is impossible. 2) Which sites are getting keyword traffic now? – Just going with general keywords is easy and you don’t have to pay anybody for research but taking that shortcut is a huge mistake. The biggest problem with that logic is that the most obvious keywords can be the most competitive and getting ranked will take time and money, possibly lots of both. For example, a search for the keyword “refrigerator” will bring up General Electric, Whirlpool, and Best Buy among others. These are well entrenched and well funded companies that you probably don’t want to go head to head with due to the negligible odds of winning those searches. 3) What are the search terms I can win immediately? Going with long tail keywords may generate less traffic but the visitors that find you will be highly targeted and much more likely to be interested in what you’re offering. Better yet, those visitors will carry a much higher conversion rate than traffic generated from more general terms. Getting analysis done on what keywords and phrases are generating traffic from your target market can reveal the low hanging fruit that can be optimized with relatively quick results.4) Am I capable of doing my own search engine optimization? – With an economy in recession and business slow across the board, it may be tempting to go it alone, but that decision could Motorcycle Goggles end up costing you both in terms of the time required to properly optimize your and the lost opportunities as a result of subpar or inconsistent search engine optimization. Unless you’ve got some background in website design and SEO, you’ll probably be better off leaving it to the professionals. A complete assessment of these four questions will Iphone 4s Cases make the entire process of site development and search engine optimization more efficient. The time, effort, and investment at the start will save you from at least some of the errors and mistakes of jumping in without looking first.

